Travis - 12 years young
Lakecrew PWDs is located in Central Texas about 20 miles northwest of downtown Austin. We have been involved with Portuguese Water Dogs since 2004.
As PWD breeders, our mission is to produce high quality healthy PWDs and to make certain each puppy is placed in a loving home where it has the opportunity to excel, first and foremost as a companion, then perhaps as a performance or show dog. We breed on a very limited basis.
We are full members of the Portuguese Water Dog Club of America (national breed club) and participate in the PWDCA Breeder Referral Program. This program requires members to breed only dogs that are age two or older and have certain permanent/current health certifications in place PRIOR to breeding.
The Portuguese Water Dog is an old breed. In the 1500's, this well-balanced web-footed working dog was prized by Portuguese fishermen as a helper, courier, guard dog, and companion. Modern dogs in the breed retain the character of their ancestors: hard-working but easily bored, loyal to their family and sometimes overly defensive toward outsiders.
This once-obscure breed gained sudden widespread notoriety in 2009 when "Bo" was selected as "First Dog". Since then, the breed has become much more widely recognized.
PWDs are cute, playful and loving. They can also be stubborn, nippy and rowdy — with a get-in-your-face behavioral trait that is sometimes not welcomed. See a list of typical Water Dog characteristics. For some, the negatives may outweigh the positives. There are other attractive breeds that should be considered by those who don't want to deal with a breed as strong-willed as the Portuguese Water Dog.
If the primary reason you are considering a PWD is the fact that someone in your family has allergies, you may wish to also explore some of the following breeds:- Affenpinscher
- Afghan Hound
- Airedale Terrier
- American Hairless Terrier
- Basenji
- Bedlington Terrier
- Bichon Frise
- Chinese Crested
- Cairn Terrier
- Chinese Crested
- Havanese
- Irish Water Spaniel
- Italian Greyhound
- Kerry Blue Terrier
- Lagotto Romagnolo
- Maltese
- Poodle
- Schnauzer
- Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
- Spanish Water Dog
PWDs are not for everyone. They typically aren't a good choice for a first-time dog owner. We strongly encourage anyone considering adopting a Portuguese Water Dog to educate themselves enough about the breed to determine whether a PWD would be a good match for their family and lifestyle.
Texas PWDs, TX PWDs
Texas Portuguese Water Dogs, TX Portuguese Water Dogs